Ko wai? Who am I?

He mihi nui ki ōku iwi, hapū, Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Kahu, Patu Koraha. I am surrounded by, supported and loved by my tupuna, ancestors, past, my present kuia/kaumātua, whānau, whānui, and my uri, my future to come.
Ko au
Sara Cole Stratton LLB

It is with great pride that I share my Māori culture, our depth and breadth of thinking, feeling and experience at this time of great change in the world.
Life and my children have been my greatest teachers, mainly the struggles. One day I will share with you my ‘other’ CV, the one we think we could never share with potential bosses or clients, yet are the attributes that gives us our uniqueness, resilience, adaptability and innovation. How to capture the data points and the story is HOW we will create an inclusive, diverse and sustainable future.
That is how to harness power for ‘GOOD.’
Mahi - Work
“Te Tiriti o Waitangi is the template for a sustainable, digital future.”
2021 - Founder of Māori Lab - I bring the knowledge and experience of my tūpuna, kuia and kaumātua, my whānau, my mahi, studies, and definitely my lived experiences.
2020-2021 - World Economic Forum - GFC - AI Fairness Council Member
2020-2021 - Tech Futures Lab - Advisor at Te Tiriti o Waitangi
2019-2020 - Masters in DIgital Futures: A Māori lens on digital technology.
See Pūrongo/Articles for articles and panels that I have been part of.
Throughout the years - Researcher for current affairs television.
LLB - Law Degree- Auckland University, co-president of Te Rakau Ture, Māori Law Students.